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Page Updated: 9 July 2002
Following are the compiling instructions:

First download, untar, compile and install the dmx4linux and FLTK librarys.
You must have some basic Unix knowledge to do the following, it is not ready for the faint hearted yet - that gets done in the Beta stage.
1. File Provided should be of the name "slbx.x.xAlpha.tgz"
Where x.x.x is the version number.

2. Untar the file by : tar -xzf slbx.x.xAlpha.tgz

3. A directory called "slbx.x.x.Alpha" should have been created. Change to that directory by typing: cd slbx.x.x.Alpha
The following files should be in that directory list them by typing: ls
 compile    - script to compile the source code - No longer used

 dmxdrive.c - The interface between the main program and dmx driver
 dmxdrive.h - Header for above

 ecpdrive.c - DMX driver for the SLB-I01PS interface
 ecpdrive.h - Header for above

 GNU.txt    - The GNU/GPL Licence

 help       - Directory that contains the HTML Help files

 Makefile   - The Make file to compile and link StageLight Basic
 Makefile.linux - The Linux Version of the Makefile
 Makefile.win32 - The Windows Version of the Make file (BCC 5)
 makeinclude.win32 - The windows makef file includes (BCC 5)

 new1.slb   - A sample sequence
 new2.slb   - Another sample sequence

 README     - The Readme file

 slb        - The compiled binary file
 slb.cxx    - The source code for StageLight Basic
 slb.ico    - An Icon for SLB
 slb.xpm    - Another Icon for SLB

4. Type: make clean

5. Type: make all

6. As root Type: make install
Now the file should be able to be run by just typing: "slb"